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Accelerator, Platform and Device

Define in-kernel thread indexing type
using Dim = DimInt<constant>;
using Idx = IntegerType;
Define accelerator type (CUDA, OpenMP,etc.)
using Acc = AcceleratorType<Dim,Idx>;
Create platform and select a device by index
auto const platform = Platform<Acc>{};
auto const device = getDevByIdx(platform, index);

Queue and Events

Create a queue for a device
using Queue = Queue<Acc, Property>;
auto queue = Queue{device};
Put a task for execution
enqueue(queue, task);
Wait for all operations in the queue
Create an event
Event<Queue> event{device};
Put an event to the queue
enqueue(queue, event);
Check if the event is completed
Wait for the event (and all operations put to the same queue before it)


Memory allocation and transfers are symmetric for host and devices, both done via alpaka API

Create a CPU device for memory allocation on the host side
auto const platformHost = PlatformCpu{};
auto const devHost = getDevByIdx(platformHost, 0);
Allocate a buffer in host memory
Vec<Dim, Idx> extent = value;
using BufHost = Buf<DevHost, DataType, Dim, Idx>;
BufHost bufHost = allocBuf<DataType, Idx>(devHost, extent);
(Optional, affects CPU – GPU memory copies) Prepare it for asynchronous memory copies
Create a view to host memory represented by a pointer
using Dim = alpaka::DimInt<1u>;
Vec<Dim, Idx> extent = value;
DataType* date = new DataType[extent[0]];
auto hostView = createView(devHost, data, extent);
Create a view to host std::vector
auto vec = std::vector<DataType>(42u);
auto hostView = createView(devHost, vec);
Create a view to host std::array
std::vector<DataType, 2> array = {42u, 23};
auto hostView = createView(devHost, array);
Get a raw pointer to a buffer or view initialization, etc.
DataType* raw = view::getPtrNative(bufHost);
DataType* rawViewPtr = view::getPtrNative(hostView);
Get an accessor to a buffer and the accessor’s type (experimental)
experimental::BufferAccessor<Acc, Elem, N, AccessTag> a = experimental::access(buffer);
Allocate a buffer in device memory
auto bufDevice = allocBuf<DataType, Idx>(device, extent);
Enqueue a memory copy from host to device
memcpy(queue, bufDevice, bufHost, extent);
Enqueue a memory copy from device to host
memcpy(queue, bufHost, bufDevice, extent);

Kernel Execution

Automatically select a valid kernel launch configuration
Vec<Dim, Idx> const globalThreadExtent = vectorValue;
Vec<Dim, Idx> const elementsPerThread = vectorValue;

auto autoWorkDiv = getValidWorkDiv<Acc>(
  globalThreadExtent, elementsPerThread,
Manually set a kernel launch configuration
Vec<Dim, Idx> const blocksPerGrid = vectorValue;
Vec<Dim, Idx> const threadsPerBlock = vectorValue;
Vec<Dim, Idx> const elementsPerThread = vectorValue;

using WorkDiv = WorkDivMembers<Dim, Idx>;
auto manualWorkDiv = WorkDiv{blocksPerGrid,
Instantiate a kernel and create a task that will run it (does not launch it yet)
Kernel kernel{argumentsForConstructor};
auto taskRunKernel = createTaskKernel<Acc>(workDiv, kernel, parameters);

acc parameter of the kernel is provided automatically, does not need to be specified here

Put the kernel for execution
enqueue(queue, taskRunKernel);

Kernel Implementation

Define a kernel as a C++ functor
struct Kernel {
   template<typename Acc>
   ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(Acc const & acc, parameters) const { ... }

ALPAKA_FN_ACC is required for kernels and functions called inside, acc is mandatory first parameter, its type is the template parameter

Access multi-dimensional indices and extents of blocks, threads, and elements
auto idx = getIdx<Origin, Unit>(acc);
auto extent = getWorkDiv<Origin, Unit>(acc);
Grid, Block, Thread
Blocks, Threads, Elems
Access components of multi-dimensional indices and extents
auto idxX = idx[0];
Linearize multi-dimensional vectors
auto linearIdx = mapIdx<1u>(idx, extent);
Allocate static shared memory variable
Type & var = declareSharedVar<Type, __COUNTER__>(acc);
Get dynamic shared memory pool, requires the kernel to specialize
  Type * dynamicSharedMemoryPool = getDynSharedMem<Type>(acc);
Synchronize threads of the same block
Atomic operations
auto result = atomicOp<Operation>(acc, arguments);
AtomicAdd, AtomicSub, AtomicMin, AtomicMax, AtomicExch,
AtomicInc, AtomicDec, AtomicAnd, AtomicOr, AtomicXor, AtomicCas
Memory fences on block-, grid- or device level (guarantees LoadLoad and StoreStore ordering)
mem_fence(acc, memory_scope::Block{});
mem_fence(acc, memory_scope::Grid{});
mem_fence(acc, memory_scope::Device{});
Warp-level operations
uint64_t result = warp::ballot(acc, idx == 1 || idx == 4);
assert( result == (1<<1) + (1<<4) );

int32_t valFromSrcLane = warp::shfl(val, srcLane);
Math functions take acc as additional first argument
math::sin(acc, argument);

Similar for other math functions.

Generate random numbers
auto distribution = rand::distribution::createNormalReal<double>(acc);
auto generator = rand::engine::createDefault(acc, seed, subsequence);
auto number = distribution(generator);